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An Ivy-Wide Comparison

How does Penn's apparel offerings at the bookstore compare to that offered by other Ivy League universities? The comparison below focuses specifically on men's sweatshirts which was a category found across all 6 Ivies used in the comparison. 

Number of Offerings by University


The chart above shows the number of unique styles of men's sweatshirts offered by each university's bookstore. It appears as though Penn's bookstore offers the best deal in terms of variety. Penn's bookstore offers over 120 different styles of men's sweatshirts with over 30 more options than the Columbia bookstore which has the second most number of styles. 

If you are choosing your university based on the variety of apparel options, Penn is no brainer. 

Prices of Sweatshirts at Other Ivies


The chart above shows a box plot of the sale prices of Men's Sweatshirts at Penn and 5 other Ivies. Penn's boxplot is very left skewed which means that most of its prices are high but there are also a few very cheap sweaters relative to the other prices. Nevertheless, Penn's median price of $65 is right on par with that of Columbia and Yale, which is the second highest median. Penn has more outliers than other schools but also has a much greater variety of styles than the other institutions. Altogether, Penn Bookstore's prices do not appear to be significantly different to those at other universities. 

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